Notes,reference,assignments of mechanical production process for engineering almost cover all topic which are given below
Chapter 1 Metrology
1. slip gauges measurement
2. sine bar
3. angle gauges
4. clinometer
5. screw thread measurements limit gauging
6. Rolling: General description of machines and process
Chapter 2 Metal cutting
1. Principles of metal cutting
2. tool geometry
3. Cutting force analysis
4. Cutting tool materials & Cutting fluids
5. Economics of metal machining
Chapter 3 Pattern Making
1. Pattern
2. pattern allowances
3. pattern design considerations
4. Core and core boxes
5. types of patterns
6. molding and core sands and their properties molding machines
7. centrifugal casting
8. shell molding
9. cupola description and operation
10. Lost-wax process
Chapter 4 Forging
1. Theory and application of forging processes description
2. Classification Of Metal Forging Processes
3. Impression Die Forging
4. Defects In Metal Forging
5. Forging Process Design
6. Description and operation of processes
7. process of shearing
8. pressure and power requirements
Chapter 5 Welding
1. gas welding
2. Arc welding
3. A.C. and D.C. welding machines and their characteristics
4. Flux
5. Electrodes
6. Pressure welding
7. electric resistance welding spot
8. seam and built welding
9. submerged arc welding
10. Brazing Gas cutting
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Nota, rujukan, tugasan proses pengeluaran mekanikal untuk kejuruteraan hampir meliputi semua topik yang diberikan di bawah
Bab 1 Metrologi
1. slip mengukur ukuran
2. bar sinus
3. tolok sudut
4. klinometer
5. skru had ukuran thread pengukuran
6. Rolling: Perihalan umum mesin dan proses
Bab memotong 2 Metal
1. Prinsip pemotongan logam
2. alat geometri
analisis daya 3. Cutting
4. bahan Cutting alat & Keratan cecair
5. Ekonomi pemesinan logam
Bab 3 corak membuat
1. corak
2. elaun corak
3. pertimbangan reka bentuk corak
4. teras dan teras kotak
5. jenis corak
6. acuan dan teras pasir dan harta mereka mesin membentuk
7. pemutus empar
acuan 8. shell
9. Huraian kubah dan operasi
10. Hilang-lilin proses
Bab 4 Forging
1. Teori dan aplikasi memalsukan proses penerangan
2. Pengelasan Proses Metal Forging
3. Impression Die Forging
4. Kecacatan Dalam Metal Forging
5. Forging Proses Design
6. Penerangan dan operasi proses
7. proses ricih
8. keperluan tekanan dan kuasa
Bab 5 Welding
kimpalan 1. gas
2. Arc kimpalan
3. A.C. dan DC mesin kimpalan dan ciri-ciri mereka
4. Flux
5. Elektrod
kimpalan 6. Tekanan
7. rintangan elektrik tempat kimpalan
8. jahitan dan kimpalan dibina
9. kimpalan arka tenggelam
memotong 10. Brazing Gas</div> <div class="show-more-end">